How To Lose Belly Fat

I recently sent out a short survey to my awesome email subscribers to find out their current health issues and to see how I could help them the most. (Are you subscribed yet? Click HEREto subscribe to my free weekly newsletter!) I got back thousands of responses and read each and every one. Thank you so much to those who participated in the survey. Your input was extremely valuable to me. Mostly, I loved getting to know you better. Many of your words had me sobbing like a baby – many happy tears from your kindness, encouragement and support. And there were some sad tears reading about the struggles you or your family are facing right now. I sent up a lot of prayers for you that day.

In the survey, the overwhelming majority of you told me that you were having trouble losing weight, especially that stubborn belly fat despite tremendous efforts. If you find yourself unable to shed belly fat, it usually means that something in your body or mind needs a little extra love and attention.

So today I want to help guide you on how to lose belly fat. This advice is based on my own success and from the success of many different holistic doctors and practitioners. It pertains to all ages – there is no age that’s too old for this to work at helping you shed that stubborn fat!

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